Four-dimensional space? It is very simple! Or "the Theory of Spaces".

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         The chapter - 5.       

Travel on planet "Chobruchi".             

   I now shall make this flight, and you will be the observer. For easier understanding of all flight, we shall enter some conditions:

 - Planet Chobruchi is in system of a star "A", on distance from the Earth of equally four light years (1460 light day). [1]

 - Lets reject superfluous complexities, such as, for example, time of the approach, an output into an orbit, etc. we shall count, that the end of braking is an arrival on a planet.

 - and certainly as well as in 4 chapter we shall ignore technical problems (fuel, resistance of partial vacuum, etc.), the principle of a phenomenon of time is important.

 - on Chobruchi`s people live, and we with them have all kinds of communication. Besides year at them precisely such, as well as on the Earth, duration of day same, hours, minutes and seconds - standard, chronology and a calendar are synchronized. For simplification of calculations, we shall count all of year not leap.

 - on Chobruchi`s look TV of the Earth, and the Earth looks their TV. On Chobruchi`s know about time of my start, the television receiver of the reporting from my board will be included. The Earth also will be continuous to look my reporting from the moment of start up to an arrival.

   I onboard will have television camera which will be included all flight, and will display my date and time. And, certainly, the transmitter with two bowls of aerials, one will be directed to the Earth, another forward, on a planet which will transfer my reporting, in both parties, also I will have two TVs, with two bowls of reception aerials. Both TVs will be included all flight. One will show Terrestrial TV, another - Chobruchej. On screens, besides the image, date, time will be constantly displayed. I shall start in the first to o'clock in the morning, January, first 00 years, i.e. in the beginning of New Year.

 To start.

So, New 00 Year, I am seen off by relatives, friends and familiar. We meet it directly at the cosmodrome. All seeing off in glasses pour champagne, only to me - a drink. But all the same New Year from it is not worse, me in fact now in flight, and mood my raised. Having exchanged farewell speeches, we sit in buses and we go on a launching pad.

 In an orbit I have passed to other, big ship which has been prepared beforehand. Having made a spadework, has transferred management to a computer. During necessary time has earned the engine, and the ship has gone on dispersal.

Overload ~ 6g; I shall be dispersed till the speed: 298,1361 thousand km/s.

    Bowls of aerials have revealed, I have included TVs and a television camera. TVs at me a little bit unusual. The TV accepting Chobruchi, has automatic frequency trim of the accepted channel, a wide range of frequencies of generators of lines and the staff, in the big party. Their frequency depends on the frequency, accepted, clock pulses. The TV accepting the Earth, has all same, only on frequencies of lines and the staff, auto fine tuning in the smaller party, besides the screen of a kinescope special, it with long afterglow.

   On planet Chobruchi, now too a meeting New 00 Years, but on the screen I now see a meeting New 96 Years, the image and a sound in norm.

   On the screen of the Terrestrial TV, now I see today, a meeting New 00 Years. A sound normal, and the image smeared. While the announcer on the screen to look it is possible, but at to moves a head, the person is smeared, a dynamic picture to look it is impossible, all is smeared. But in due course, in flight, all will be good.

There is fifth day of flight, today on January, 5, morning. Has looked at a board, speed has passed already for 20 t. km/s, today at night I have passed border of Solar system. Hardly to transfer a long overload, but I small, thin, but sinewy, therefore bear, while. I lay, sideways on one side I turn, sometimes I sit. A stove bench my very good, with the help of a control panel, I can change its inclination, on it I can take a shower and all other convenience. All control panels near at hand. Are available external lights fibred-periscopes.

     On January, 13, 8 hours of 30 minutes, terrestrial hours already have lagged behind much more. On the screen on January, 11, 6 hour. 15 minutes, and on screen Chobruchi`s, on the contrary, time are accelerated, their date - on January, 15, 96, 23 hour. 50 minutes. I have congratulated, in a television camera, all (the Earth and Chobruchi) with coming old New Year.

    17.01, on the screen of the Earth - 13.01.00, now they congratulate me on old New Year. Time, on the screen of the Terrestrial TV, was already appreciably slowed down, for 1 my hour, on the screen passes about 37 minutes. On screen Chobruchej - 21.01.96 20 h. 10 m. Time was appreciably sped up: for 37 minutes, on their screen passes 1 hour.

   19.01, on the screen of the Earth - 15.01.00, for one my hour, on the screen passes about 35 minutes, transfer, that look mine 13.01, and speak thanks for a congratulation, and have directed the chamber on my TV, and I now see myself more in a slowed-up way, than them. Their voices became bass, the image still smeared. On screen Chobruchej, the image in the same degree was sped up, voices squeaky. Speed has passed for 148,8 thousand in km/s., removal from the Earth - 5 with small light day.

    10.02.00, on the screen of the Earth - 24.01.00 time was slowed down in 3 times;     

                          on screen Chobruchej - 18.03.96, time was sped up in 3 times;

                          speed 239,8339664 t. km/s, distance from the Earth - 26 light day.

    22.03.00, on the screen of the Earth - 2.02.00, time was slowed down in 7 times;

                        on screen Chobruchej - 17.09.96 time was sped up in 7 times; speed- 

287,8 t. km/s., distance from the Earth has passed for 113  light day.

    1.05.00, on the screen of the Earth - 6.02.00, time was slowed down in 15 times;

                     on screen Chobruchej - 17.11.97, time was sped up in 15 times; speed- 

297,1394 t. km/s., Removal from the Earth has passed for 324 light day.

    The image on the TV, showing the Earth, (the screen of the Earth) any more not smeared, but already is not present a sound, high-frequency splashes are audible as bass. All messages for me, are transferred in a text mode, instead of an advertising pause. On screen Chobruchej all on the contrary, art one and a half - hour film, passes at me for 6 minutes, in my 4 minutes, their hours on the screen, count hour.

  Free flight.

  14.05.00, 8 hour. 40 minutes of morning, I have woken up in any horror, have dreamed, that there was something terrible, and I was broke in a precipice, some seconds (after sound sleep) I could understand nothing, that has taken place. It is an onboard computer has switched off the engine when the set speed has been achieved. The panel showed speed

298,1361 t. km/s., removal from the Earth - 435,72 light day.

There has come weightlessness and death silence. I have understood, that all is normal, all goes under the schedule. Now I was captured with pleasure. Still, after a long overload, I now can have a rest. As she has bothered me, all sides has crushed.

     I have taken a pencil and have written down all dates in the log:

              - on the screen of the Terrestrial TV: 7.02.00 6 hour. 10 m., time slowed down, in 19 times, in my minute, on the screen passes, 3,15 sec.

              - on screen Chobruchej: 28.06.98 16 h. 50 m., time go accelerated, in 19 times, for one my minute, on the screen runs 19 minutes.

 Has switched off for a while all boards and illuminations, has glanced in a window, has seen a beautiful black firmament, with bright stars. The galaxy is compressed in 19 times, in a firmament, is perpendicular to a direction of flight, a narrow star path, she was as though pulled for me a blast furnace in front and behind and on each side. Has looked in a periscope and has found our Sun, it was the big star size and it was hurt to look at him, it offended the eyes. It as though goes for me in the compressed space, not "wishing to release" me from itself.

   Have passed day of rest in weightlessness, I have had a rest, have slept off. On my hours: on May, 15 00, 8 h. 40 m.; on the screen of the Earth: 7.02.00 7 h. 26 m.; on screen Chobruchej: 17.07.98 16 . 50 minutes. Removal from the Earth - 445,19368 light day. On the screen of the Terrestrial TV began Football.

16.05.00 14 h. 30 m., on the screen of the Earth still go the same football, in the slowed down kind as it has bothered me. But on screen Chobruchej all flashes, and I can make out nothing.

     The reader, probably, wants to ask me: why the Galaxy is compressed in 19 times, and time accordingly?    

0 longitudinal (in relation to flight) "compression" of space.

      Let's take television waves in front:

   I move him towards, but we shall start with a constancy of speed of light (). If I on them i move with speed V they should move back as though from me with the same speed.

 C + V - V, (-V) and (+V) in this equation will be reduced, and there will be a speed - With, from which wave run to me towards, and they from me will not get to anywhere, I of them all i shall move. Due to that they can "move back"? Only for the account of "compression" of space, i.e. reduction waves are long. My speed, in view of their time = 9. It means, that for one unit of time, I i shall move 9 their time units. But 9 their units from the past with which the space is already filled, and they do not cost on a place, and move to me towards, and still will pass 10. It turns out, while I i shall move 9, will cross me 10 more crests.

      Total we receive: 9 + 10 = 19, i.e. for one unit of time, I i shall move 19 time units of a forward planet towards to which I fly. Too most concerns and to me, I, for them, fly in the compressed space, and the compressed waves, and they will accelerated see my events, as in 19 times, and the reflected signal will be deformed in a square.

    Now we shall take television waves behind:

      The space both behind is compressed the same as and in front, but if forward I move from the past of lobbies, to the joint future, in relation to back, I escape from their present and the future. 9 units of their time which I did not see which have passed without me, yes for this time will pass 10 more from which one will overtake me. [2] We receive: 9 + 10 = 19, means in 19 - their time units, I shall observe only one. Waves behind catch up with me with the same speed C, therefore and are stretched. Too most concerns and to me, in relation to them. Their time turns out, as though, is slowed down for me in 19 times, the same as also mine for them as it is slowed down in 19 times.

Actually it does not change at all [3], i remain at time, the Earth at the. It is possible to tell, that I am in a condition of rest, and by me the short space goes.

Simply there is a displacement of a point a zero of readout of time. Time does not go one in one, it at everyone the, and everywhere goes equally.

It turns out, the space "is strapped", in cross-section directions to flight in 9,5 times, and in a direction of flight in 19 times. Radio waves, they give as though a projection of one space to another (See. Fig. 10). It simply a kind of one space from another, as through a concave lens.

It is that case when time is exchanged for distance. We have got used to that that, for moving to other point of space, it is necessary to pay in time, and at the big speed, instead of "a course on time" (in which we live), the course on distance, i.e. almost free-of-charge displacement in space - time (concerning the previous space) is given to us. The way up to a planet, through other space - is shorter , both on distance, and on time, and the one who has left in other space will lag behind on time. If things to name the names, speed With is in general that not speed (it is seen, or observable speed), this instant interaction infinite number of kilometers for a zero of seconds.



300 thousand in km/s. Is a speed of current of time for observers from any space, i.e. horizon of events. 

Rice 10 the Projection of one space to another. A source of radiation, in figure - a rocket.

 Longitudinal reduction can be expressed so: 


I shall name it  Doplers`s factor Kd  



   Simple, beautiful, the formula, satisfies both forward, and back observers!

   This factor shows: IN HOW MANY TIME will change frequency, or is long waves of the radiation, perceived from object, depending on mutual speed.

At perception of own frequency reflected from moving object,         K d - will be in a square. (The chapter-8)


         LET F = F * K d          or             LET L = L / K d     (dark blue displacement).


       LET F = F / K d           or            LET L = L * K d    (red displacement).

Where: K d - Doplers`s factor; F - frequency;   L - it is long waves; LET - new value of argument.

 K d (apparently from the formula) always> 1.   At V = 0     K d = 1.

A range To d: from 1 up to ¥

      To this theme we still shall return in the chapter-9, and now we shall continue flight.

  I continue flight:  

 14.07.00 my free flight comes to an end, braking tomorrow will begin, the exhausting overload again is necessary. I am in the suspended condition, in weightlessness, and it would not be desirable to wake up. In a cabin full darkness, all boards and illuminations I since evening has switched off. Looking in a window, suddenly I have noticed, that on an acting part of the ship - a shadow from a bowl of the aerial. At me such sensation has appeared, that I already on the Earth, and will ascend the Sun. I have looked in a periscope, it is a star - And, that at Chobruchi`s, she lets know it already about herself. She saw to me in a periscope such bright, that cut an eye. How so, I have thought, in fact prior to the beginning of braking of day, suddenly I shall treat her, but the onboard computer could not be mistaken? Has then recollected, in front space same compressed, as well as behind and when I shall be braked, it will be developed before by me. And braking will be not such prompt as, apparently, it will last equally as much, dispersal how many last. During braking, the Galactic space will start to be developed (with the kilometers), and a star will escape as though from me, and I shall lose a lot of time which course will come nearer to Terrestrial.

     Speed on a board, was former 298,1361 t. km/s. Has included TVs.

On the screen of the Earth - 10.02.00 11 h. 12 m; time for the screen on former goes in 19 times more slowly. During my free bi-monthly flight (with the switched off engine), on the screen has passed only 3 day. To you and Doplers`s effect in practice. Means to learn the full time past on the Earth, it is necessary to add light distance by this, television time.

tz = S + t;   where     t z - time Terrestrial, full;     S - light distance;

t - television time of the Earth in a rocket.

I look at a board - removal from the Earth, now makes: 1013,6475 light day

 Television time:

      - at dispersal: 37,15 day;

       - in free flight: 3 day;

We calculate: t = 37,15 + 3 = 40,15 day

The full time past on the Earth:

tz = 1013,6475 + 40,15 = 1053,7975 day.

We add this time by the moment of start, and we learn, that today on the Earth: on November, 20 02 years.

   See, how their time for me turns to distance, and the river of time is as my shadow, she always with me.

 All is very simple - easier idle time turnips!

   Let's calculate now, that now to us shows Chobruchi`s the TV:

T - television time Chobruchi`s in a rocket: = 2*S + t

                               T = 2*1013,6475 + 40,15 = 2067,445 day.

    We add this time by television time of start 1.01.96 and it is received, that on the screen now should see on September, 1 01 years; 13 h. 10 m.; time also accelerated in 19 times.

    I look at the screen precisely! 


     15.07.00 5 h. 20 minutes. Mornings the signal, notifying that my rest was terminated has woken me, and in 10 minutes braking will begin. The red board offered to me to take the place has lit up. Have whistled, units of systems, small engines have joined, the ship has trembled, and his orientation began. I have taken the place on a plank bed and have written down dates from screens of TVs:        

                                              Terrestrial: 10.02.00 11 h. 58 minutes;

                                          Chobruchej: 13.09.01 2 h. 05 minutes;

Speed former 298,1361 thousand km/s.

   Let's assume, I was not one, and with me the brother the twin and the second ship a shuttle which fasten to the basic ship (as in the fourth chapter) was. [4] Before braking the brother has passed to a shuttle, has come unfastened from me, there it and remain in rest, and I shall go on braking.   

    So, has earned the basic engine, braking, the same overload - 6g began. Have gone!

    The reader, probably, had question: how to calculate television time?

Let's take, for consideration, a site of flight, where Kd constant. It will be a site of a way from the moment of deenergizing of the engine, till the moment of his inclusion.

tr is rocket time, on rocket hours (it can be any). Time for the screen of the TV showing to me the Earth, will be in a slowed-up way on Doplers`s to factor (we have already disassembled this moment).

      Means: t = tr/Kd;   t is there will be television time of the Earth in a rocket, i.e. at the moment of deenergizing the engine, write down date on the screen of the TV, then we shall write down date at the moment of inclusion of the engine, and from last we shall take away the first.

 In our case it: 10.02.00 - 7.02.00 = 3,26 day; t = 3,26 day.

In a rocket has passed 62,125 day; t = 62,125/19 = 3,26 day.

For 62 day of flight on the screen of the Terrestrial TV has passed only 3,26 day, i.e. time for the screen went in 19 times in a slowed-up way.

But on Chobruchi`s time goes precisely the same as and on the Earth, means, and for them this site of flight will last - 3,26 day.

Means, they for 3.26 day will see my 62,125 day. 62,125/3,26 = 19; i.e. in 19 times accelerated.

It it t - will be Chobruchi`s time of the telereporting from a rocket.

Now we shall consider the same site of a way from the Earth:

   Time for the Earth will pass S + t, yes from me the signal about my deenergizing will go time - S. Total we have:  

                T = 2 * S + t;   where:    - Terrestrial time of the telereporting from a rocket.

                         S - light distance. In our case S = 588,56 light day.

T = 2 * 588,56 + 3,26 = 1180,38;

Means, my 62,125 day they will look during - 1180,38 day, 1180,38/62,125 = 19; i.e. in 19 times in a slowed-up way, will see me. We deduce:   = tr * Kd

   But on Chobruchi`s time goes precisely the same as and on the Earth, means, same - will be also television time Chobruchi`s in a rocket.

Them 1180,38 day I shall see them for 62,125 day, 1180,38/62,125 = 19; i.e. in 19 times accelerated.

She full symmetry Doplers effect which proves to be true in practice!

(see. The chapter - 8  and The chapter - 9)

   24.08.00, time after-dinner, there is 41 day of my braking. Speed still 293,4246 thousand in km/s., and concerning the brother who has remained in a shuttle, speed already 180 thousand in km/s.

 The galactic space now is stretched before by me (with the kilometers) together with Chobruchi`s, and it escapes from me, even faster, and it has already passed Chobruchi, and I already lag behind him on time as I leave in other space. Mine Kd = 9,5 (concerning the Earth), concerning his mine Kd = 2. Concerning his Earth Kd still = 19. Factors concerning the Earth, share the greater on smaller, and we receive Kd - be relative each other (subtraction of speeds). For example, towards each other or two ships fly to the different parties, with a speed 150 thousand in km/s (concerning the Earth) their general Kd will be: 1,732*1,732 = 3, i.e. their speed be relative each other will be - 240 thousand in km/s. (addition of speeds).

From formula Kd; V = ((Kd2 1) / (Kd2 + 1)) *C is more detailed see. The appendix - 1.

Let us return to flight.

  On screens of TVs:

          - The Earth; 14.02.00 6 h. 41 m; for one my hour on the screen passes, 6 mines 31,5 sec.

                 - Chobruchej: 5.03.03 8 h. 45 m.; for mine 6 and a half of minutes on the screen passes 1 hour. Removal from the Earth makes: about 3,5 light years.

    4.10.00 speed has fallen up to 264,5227 t. km/s., concerning my invented shuttle - 288 t. km/s., it it is already far for Chobruchi`s.

- The Earth: 20.02.00 year; time is slowed down

On screens of TVs: in 4 times.

- Chobruchi: 17.11.03 year; time accelerated in 4 times.

    Star path of the Galaxy, it is already enough wide.

   On November, 22 00 years, on my onboard calendar, up to an arrival remained three days.

Speed already 15 t. km/s, time on screens of both TVs, proceeds already practically 1:1 mine. Dates on screens the following:  

                                            - The Earth: 17.03.00 years, the image smeared.

                                              - Chobruchej: 17.03.04 years.

The end of flight.

   On November, 25 00 years on my calendar, I on planet Chobruchi. Their TVs show, it is natural, too, as mine:

  Their date - 20.03.04 years, and on the Earth now the same date, but on the screen of the TV showing the Earth: 20.03.00 years. It is all it should be clear, in fact the distance is equal 4 light years.

      My brother whom I have left in a shuttle, is already more senior than me, but more younger terrestrial (the third brother) but if it will be braked and will return here, on Chobruchi it again will be my coeval. If I start`s also shall catch up it I shall be younger than it. If it will return to the Earth it will be younger than me. The third brother who has remained on the Earth, too is more senior than me but if it will repeat my flight, and will arrive here, on Chobruchi it also will be my coeval. And if I to return to the Earth today's between us the difference in the age of, will be doubled (we shall more in detail talk about it in the second part). [5]

  The chapter - 6.  

Analysis of flight.


S =

435,72 light day


588,56 light day


435,72 light day

= 1460 light day
             +   +         + +

t =

37,15 day


3,26 day


37,15 day


tz =

472,87 day


591,82 day


472,87 day

= 1537,56 day

tr =

133,25 day


62,125 day


133,25 day

= 328,625 day


 S - light distance. (+) under the schedule signs plus, addition.

 T - terrestrial time of the telereporting from a rocket, television time Chobruchi`s in a rocket.

 t - Chobruchi`s time of the telereporting from a rocket, television time of the Earth in a rocket.

 t r - time in a rocket, own.

 t z - time for the Earth own, time on Chobruchi`s own.

 K d - Doplers`s factor.

 K t Factor of a parity of time.

tz = S + t

T = 2*S + t

t = tr / Kd

= tr * Kd

S = ( - t) / 2

tz = S*(Kd + 1/Kd)/(Kd 1/Kd)

tr = 2 * S/(Kd -1/ Kd)

S = (tr * Kd  - tr/Kd ) / 2


S = tr * (Kd  -  1/Kd) / 2  

Kt = (Kd + 1/Kd)/2

tz = tr*Kt

  or     tz = tr* (Kd + 1/Kd)/2  

That I saw, on screens of the TVs in flight:

So, in a point A (look the schedule) I have started, my speed grew, time for the screen of Terrestrial TV was gradually slowed down, on screen Chobruchej - in the same degree was accelerated. In a point I Would switch off the engine, time in a rocket has passed-133,25 day (4,44 months), and on the screen of TV of the Earth - 37,15 day (month and one week), and time for it was slowed down in 19 times (by the moment of deenergizing of the engine). Removal from the Earth has made - 435,72 light day. On screen Chobruchi: =2*S + t;   = 2*435,72 + 37,15 = 908,59 day.

These two one year, have passed at me on the screen for my 133,15 day, i.e. time was gradually accelerated (on screen Chobruchej), and became - in 19 times accelerated, by the moment of deenergizing of the engine. Add this time to television date of start (1.01.96), and you learn, I saw what date on screen Chobruchej, at the moment of deenergizing the engine (28.06.98).

Further, from a point to a point B, I flied with the switched off engine (in a point B - inclusion of the engine on braking). Time, at me in a rocket, from a point to a point B, has made - 62,125 day.

On the telescreen of the Earth has passed: 3,26 day which I have seen for the 62,125 day, 62,125/3,26 = 19, i.e. I, Terrestrial telecasts, saw slowed down in 19 time. On telescreen Chobruchej has passed: = 62,125*19 = 1180,38 day (3 years and about 3 months) which I have seen(overlooked) for the 62,125 day, i.e. I, Chobruchi`s telecasts, saw accelerated in 19 time. The gone way (from to ), has made S = (1180,38 - 3,26)/2 = 588,56 light day. Date on screen Chobruchej, in a point B: 13.09.01.

The site of way B - (-point of an arrival), was similar to site -, only on the contrary, Terrestrial telecasts from slowed down 1:19, were accelerated, and to an arrival came in norm 1:1. Telecasts Chobruchej from accelerated 19:1, were slowed down, and to an arrival came in norm 1:1; S = 435,72 over day, telecasts Chobruchej, Terrestrial and a course of time became identical, date of an arrival - 20.03.04 years, on the telescreen of the Earth: 20.03.00 years.

TOTAL: tr = 133,25 day. (-); 62,125 day. (-); 133,25 day. (-);

Full tr = 133,25 + 62,125 + 133,25 = 328.625 day (almost 11 months).

             Television time of the Earth in a rocket (or Chobruchi`s time a body of the reporting from a rocket): t = 37.15 + 3,26 + 37,15 = 77,56 day;

Television time Chobruchi`s in a rocket (or Terrestrial time a body of the reporting from a rocket): = 2*S + t = 2*1460 + 77,56 = 2997,56 day; (8 years and 77,56 day).

Full time of the Earth and Chobruchi`s:

tz = 472,87 + 591,82 + 472,87 = 1537,56 day (4 years and 77.56 day).

 That saw Chobruchi, from my board:

About New 04 years, they did not see my start. When they had meeting New 04 years, on the screen of Terrestrial TV, they looked a meeting New 00 years, my prowaters, my start, then the reporting from a board. My dispersal last for them t = 37,15 day, i.e. for this short time, they have seen my 133,25 day, time for the screen was gradually accelerated, and there were 7.02.04 accelerated till 1:19. on their calendar I has switched off the engine. Further within 3,26 day, they observed my 62,125 day of free flight, tr/t = 62,125/3,26 = 19. In a rocket they saw my events, in 19 times accelerated. 10.02.04 years, they have seen, that I have included the engine on the braking, then accelerated image began to be slowed down, and in 37.15 day became normal, and the end of the reporting has coincided with my arrival - 20.03.04 years.

 After I have left the brother there alone, they and began to observe of it in other TV. His image continued to be accelerated in 19 time. It has flown by 12.02.04 years past Chobruchi`s, the image from accelerated 1:19 was sharply replaced on slowed down 1:19, and it has gone further.

 Also they have started to look my reporting when I was already on the approach: on my calendar was - 20.10.00, there were 33 days up to my arrival. If in flight I would direct the television camera on the TV showing the Earth Chobruchi these events would look, in time: 1:1, and on dates all coincides up to the arrival, only with a difference in 4 years., and the events, from my screen, they will see in Kd2 time accelerated, that is during free flight 192 = 361. And return this relaying, I shall see Kd3 time accelerated, once again they will see Kd4 time accelerated, once again I shall see Kd5 time accelerated, etc. For the Earth its repeated relaying as K d (delay) is erected in a degree.

 That the Earth from my board saw:

 From the moment of start, before deenergizing the engine (point ),   tz = S + t ; yes while the telesignal from a point Would will reach the Earth, will pass still time - S, means to tz, it is necessary to add S;

   T = tz + S = S + t + S;   or   = 2*S + t;    = 2*435,72 + 37,15 = 908,59.

 During this time they observed my 133,25 day of flight, time for them at me (on the telescreen), slowed down the course, and became in 19 times slowed down. It has come 28.06.02 years when they have seen deenergizing the engine. My free flight (from to ), they will observe:

 T = 2*588,56 + 3,26 = 1180,38 day,

at me in a rocket has passed: 62,125 day. Kd = T/tr = 1180,38/62,125 = 19. 

Means, my events in a rocket, during this period, see in 19 times slowed down. (the relaying will see in Kd2 time in a slowed-up way, [6] and relaying Chobruchej, during all flight will see 1:1).

Let's add this time (1180,38) by then when they have seen deenergizing the engine, and this most we learn(we find out) - when they will see the moment of inclusion of the engine on braking.

It will be: on September, 13 05 years, i.e. now (when I have already arrived), they still look in a slowed-up way my free flight, and only in one and a half year, will see on the screen, that I, have included the engine on braking. Then they will observe 2,5 more years (908,59 day), how time at me from slowed down gradually comes to normal, and my today's arrival. They will see it in 4 years: 20.03.08 years.

T = 2 * S + t; terrestrial time from start: tz = S + t (1460+77,56).

  Today, they see 34 day of my free flight, and see my date on the screen: on June, 17, the same 00 years, prior to the beginning of braking still almost month (on mine, then to hours).

  And if I, up to the middle of a way was dispersed? The space would continue to be pulled together, and the middle of a way, would come earlier. Simulate this flight:

        - put a mirror on the middle of the schedule, the mirror party to the beginning of flight, and hold his right hand;

        - the left hand, a pencil, continue a parabola of speed, and right, move a mirror, it is imitation of compressed space;

        - when the pencil will be rested against a mirror, it and will be the middle of a way. 30 sec. To you on a turn also, it is time to braked, differently you fly by the purpose. Speed thus will be achieved by 299,32063 thousand km/s.

 The prize here big will not be, arrive on Chobruchi  8.11.00 (all for 14 days earlier), and on the Terrestrial calendar (and Chobruchej) - all for one day earlier. [7]   That to you it is better: on a half-month to arrive earlier, but all flight an exhausting overload? Or to arrive on a half-month later, but two months to have a rest in weightlessness?

  The chapter - 7.

Instead of an epilogue.

    Whether protons to each other are drawn, or make a start? If make a start, why they keep in a nucleus? And nucleus far from being miss, and keep at the certain distance from each other. In a firm body - on one distance, the liquid condition of substance - is farther, gas - miss even further. Whether belts of pushing away and an attraction alternate?

  If to overcome a belt of an attraction in a nucleus of uranium, having broken it protons scatter with terrible force, enormous energy is allocated. But if to overcome pushing away of nucleus of hydrogen they are stuck together on closer distance, turning to helium, and energy thus, it is allocated in 100 times more, than at splitting uranium. Similar that belts of an attraction and pushing away alternate one after another, and each of the subsequent belt in whom that degrees are longer previous, and in the same degree is weaker (see. Fig. 11).


Fig. 11.

If to accept a belt of an attraction of protons in a nucleus of helium the first the belt of pushing away of nucleus of gas will be the fifth. And if to assume, that there is the sixth - in an enormous degree more poorly, and in the same enormous degree long, so long, that on what distance there would be no nucleus, all these belts will be summarized, and at very plenty of substance, it already will be appreciable. That is each proton bends space that with positive with negative it is familiar, belts where each of the subsequent belts is longer and weaker.

 Whether this 6-th belt gravitation is? And what radius of this belt? Can be the size two Galaxies?

   If to follow this analogy that is farther, there should be the seventh, still in what that degrees, weaker, leaving in infinity, a belt of pushing away. And at huge quantity of weight, it has an effect. Can, Galaxies therefore run up? Let it will be small acceleration, but on the expiration of billions years, they type rather impressive speeds start`s.

Thus, they leave from each other in other spaces, not preventing each other, and do not allow the universe to be curtailed in a point - where: the space - a zero, weight - a zero, time - is absent. For, if anything is not present, never anything and will not be, therefore as:

the word "will be" - loses any sense!


Copyrights are protected, in Tiraspol 21.09.2000, under 000005; MD3300, Tiraspol, Charles Libknehta's 383 street, RAIS Ministerstva justitsii, bodies: 5-17-37.

In Kishiney`s 28.09.2000, the Certificate 420/350, the Theory of spaces , the State agency of republic Moldova under copyrights. MD-2012.  Kishiney, street. Shusewa 55, bodies: 22-35-42; 22-26-53; a fax: 22-60-94.


Ljubar Vladimir Jakovlevich                                            May,  2000,  Tiraspol 

To write to me the letter:

 Extreme corrections: on  October, 13, 2005.         


[1] This distance, cat passes light (radio waves) in time...

[2] ... with the same speed With.

[3] There is a stratification of time, time separately.

[4] To this theme we still shall repeatedly return.

[5] And any paradoxes!

[6] During free flight in 361 times.

[7] Faster light all the same will fail, and do not try!

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